Monday, February 7, 2011

Change or Reincarnation

As we move forward with the ticking of clock the surroundings around us keep changing. We go new places, meet new people, etc. No matter how strong a person is, a new environment will definitely raise some goose bumps. The apprehensions developed by being in new environment are rather natural since change is something which no one likes given the fact, ‘whenever you open a door you have to close one atleast”.

Going to a new place we always have a certain level of fear about how well we can fit to the new conditions. Whether the new place will be as good or better than the current one, whether the people around us will be as appreciative as the current circle. But as we say every threat is also an opportunity in some way.

There are lots of things which we might have not liked in our present and want to change. However we cant because sometimes the perceptions are too strong. Or sometimes we actually did something which might have resulted in a condition which was undesired. In some way we are unable to correct it given the present set of conditions.

Then wouldn't a new place, a new set people, a new culture,etc gives us a chance to undergo a reincarnation. Is it not a chance to correct all the mistakes we might have made in past.

Doesn’t that mean CHANGE actually is an opportunity to REINCARNATE without actually dying!!