Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Grass is always greener on the other side

Last week while walking on the road with one of my colleagues I, said to myself that why not enjoy some of the roadside food stuff of Delhi, which of course is one of the best in the country. We moved towards a roadside juice stall discussing how much money these guys must be making since they didn’t have to pay any rent nor were they paying any taxes for the money they make. Apart from this they also charge exorbitantly high prices depending on their wish. However that day I witnessed something that made me realize how wrong I was in framing my opinion without knowing the intricacies of their little business......Read More


Ritika Gupta said...

nice read.. what we dont see is that the juice shops buy fruits just like us and then make juices.. and the price of fruits is sky rocketing.. just one mango costs 25 bucks.. and they give one glass juice of mango for 10 bucks.. not much margin u see..

Abhi said...

These people are none other than the policemen's. They also do such kind of business. Nice Post :)

Priyanka said...

Awesome read! Reflected what I'd been thinking for the entire past week...
Why do we only call the ones selling secrets to Pakistan as traitors? Aren't these petty thieves, the ones whom we've come to accept as normal, also cheating the nation of what's rightfully ours?
Bribes for getting a passport, hafta for using the parking spot, bakhshis for the postman.. these are not accounted for in any tax audit and are black money which goes into even blacker uses.
Change begins with realization. The question is, are we ready for it?

Unknown said...

Even I have witness these scenes.. Its just amazing how we chose to see through all of this.. never giving this a thought.. Mumbai's footpaths are occupied by hawkers for years.. 7 no one does something abt it! for the reasons mentioned in your post.. nice read!