Saturday, September 11, 2010

SongStones of Life

Well this is something that occurred to me some days back while I was listening to some old songs. Life is a series of crests and troughs though the amplitude of vibration varies from person to person. One day you might be extremely blissful and other day a little gloomy.

However a major incident in any phase of our life generally creates a spike in the graph of life. When we achieve something great, that incident occupies our thought process for a considerable amount of time. Happiness is reflected in any and everything we do for that particular period. Similarly when something horrific happens like failure to achieve something, loss of something or someone we love, etc the sky of life seems cloudy and we can’t find a silver lining for a certain duration of time. Murkiness is portrayed in each of the tasks taken up by us during that period.

Just like everything else we do during that period, any song that we repeatedly here during that period gets embedded in our sub conscious mind with a particular image.
Something like the day we cleared a major competition we were extremely jubilant. We just wanted to dance around everywhere expressing our blissfulness. The famous dance numbers of that particular period was played repeatedly for a continuous period of at least ten days till the excitement of the achievement faded away.

Similarly when we lost someone close to heart like a pet or a failed relationship, it takes some time to come out of the after effects. During such a phase u generally don’t like doing anything. However, when the shock subsides to give way to sadness, most of us like sitting alone and listening to certain type of music. The song that we listen to most during that period marks out a sad moment in our subconscious.

Apart from the extremes the general phases of our lives like the school days (can be further subdivided into classes), our graduation (subdivided into years), etc also have certain songs which were either pretty famous during that time or were listened to pretty often. They don’t mark a particular spike in our life but certainly represent a different phase in our life.

After years when all these incidents have happened and you sit alone listening to these songs alone in a room, you start feeling nostalgic of that period. The feeling might be a happy or a sad one that comes along with it or if nothing at all it will just bring a smile to your face. All such songs are not just lyrics composed to some specific tune but these are songs on which we danced as directed by the tunes of life during that period.

These I call “Songstones of our Life”.


Unknown said...

Just love the title more than anything else, one word to sum up the milestones of life :)



Amrani said...

hey good one and so true...

Priyanka said...

:) Pure thoughts, without any intentions of showing off.. you are a rare breed of blogger.
Plus the new background goes extremely well with your posts.. Loved it!