Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Well again a thought that came to my mind just a few days back. I was talking to my manager to grant me leave as I was planning to go home for Deepawali. The entire plan was done and then it struck me I was going home for “Deepawali”. I put that in quotes because it didn’t occur to me even after the entire plan was finalized.

There used to be the days in my childhood when I used to look forward towards festivals like Deepawali and Holi. And when I say festivals trust me they used to be festivals. There used to be sincere planning on my part what all I will do, how many crackers I need to buy, what varieties, etc. Each cracker I burnt gave me an ounce of happiness.

And today I don’t even feel that its deepawali. The thought that has occupied my mind for the last twenty days has been the fact that I will see my family after a six month period. That is the festival for me as on date.  The warmth that I get in their company, food cooked by mom, the late discussions with my dad, all these combined actually form the concept of nothing less than a festival for me.

Such has been the change in our life during the chase for so called success that even the simplest of things are a luxury and I guess it will be the same for a lot of those who will read this if not all. The festival nowadays is nothing more than a couple of official leaves which combined with two or three applied ones gives you a chance to go back to people you love the most and just can’t be with.  

And yes I am truly happy that there is a festival because the definition might change but the concept of being with your loved ones remains same. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Change or Reincarnation

As we move forward with the ticking of clock the surroundings around us keep changing. We go new places, meet new people, etc. No matter how strong a person is, a new environment will definitely raise some goose bumps. The apprehensions developed by being in new environment are rather natural since change is something which no one likes given the fact, ‘whenever you open a door you have to close one atleast”.

Going to a new place we always have a certain level of fear about how well we can fit to the new conditions. Whether the new place will be as good or better than the current one, whether the people around us will be as appreciative as the current circle. But as we say every threat is also an opportunity in some way.

There are lots of things which we might have not liked in our present and want to change. However we cant because sometimes the perceptions are too strong. Or sometimes we actually did something which might have resulted in a condition which was undesired. In some way we are unable to correct it given the present set of conditions.

Then wouldn't a new place, a new set people, a new culture,etc gives us a chance to undergo a reincarnation. Is it not a chance to correct all the mistakes we might have made in past.

Doesn’t that mean CHANGE actually is an opportunity to REINCARNATE without actually dying!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Break Up


Well lot of people might have written about love.. let me give a try to the post condition of most of the love affairs of contemporary world :P

This is actually partially inspired by a movie called ‘CashBack’ and partially by my encounters with life in various forms. You actually end up getting there after a very glossy period of intimacy with the opposite gender followed by a lot of heated conversations.
After breaking up you start contemplating what actually went wrong with the relation. Well trust me most of the reasons are as trivial as not picking up a call. However, the moment for realizing that would already have passed. Lets not get into it since many of them might be controversial.

 After the break up, you can have a lot of sleepless nights (depends on how foolish you were during the relationship to open up all the doors of the insecure portion of life). You suddenly realise that you have atleast eight hours more in a day which you cant figure out how to spend. You can do most things which you couldn’t while in relation for the paucity of time and sometimes even redo them. But naaaaa.. its better to lie down and fluctuate between reality and imagination.. How you wanted it to be and how is it now..
You start noticing sounds which most normal people wont like ticking of a clock at night or falling of water droplets far away.. The hormone monsters whom you fed while in the relation are there still hounding you.. Suddenly you realize that you can on without sleep for days ..(a positive: you are now fit for Investment Banking)..  

And one day the emotions get transformed into frustration which is actually a boon since now you atleast give it a try to live instead of breathing.. Does it mean you have moved on.. Well dont really know that :)

To close it I will put my favourite quote:
Zindagi mohtaj nahin manzilon ki
Waqt har manzil dikha deta hai
Marta nahin  kisi se juda hoke koi
Waqt har kisi ko jeena sikha deta hai..