Well again a thought that came to my mind just a few days
back. I was talking to my manager to grant me leave as I was planning to go
home for Deepawali. The entire plan was done and then it struck me I was going
home for “Deepawali”. I put that in quotes because it didn’t occur to me even
after the entire plan was finalized.
There used to be the days in my childhood when I used to
look forward towards festivals like Deepawali and Holi. And when I say
festivals trust me they used to be festivals. There used to be sincere planning
on my part what all I will do, how many crackers I need to buy, what varieties,
etc. Each cracker I burnt gave me an ounce of happiness.
And today I don’t even feel that its deepawali. The thought
that has occupied my mind for the last twenty days has been the fact that I
will see my family after a six month period. That is the festival for me as on
date. The warmth that I get in their
company, food cooked by mom, the late discussions with my dad, all these
combined actually form the concept of nothing less than a festival for me.
Such has been the change in our life during the chase for so
called success that even the simplest of things are a luxury and I guess it
will be the same for a lot of those who will read this if not all. The festival
nowadays is nothing more than a couple of official leaves which combined with two
or three applied ones gives you a chance to go back to people you love the most
and just can’t be with.
And yes I am truly happy that there is a festival because
the definition might change but the concept of being with your loved ones
remains same. :)
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P.S. the post's gud :)
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