Monday, December 13, 2010


Hope is a word heard pretty often in our daily life. When things are going right it is one emotion that might keep you running even though the end might be pretty apparent to us. When everyone around us tells us its not going to happen, hope is what motivates us to give it another try. In other words it is the emotion that keeps us motivated when all the chips are down. It is the single sentiment that might or might not have a reason behind it. I guess its special in that way.

However, when you bank on hope you surely risk more pain. The amount of suffering your inner self undergoes after failing depends on the effort being put in to achieve that goal. With hope the extra effort we put in with that ‘try one more time attitude’ surely portrays a false image of winning in our mind. More often you see that picture based on hope, more illusioned you become from reality. Sometimes it becomes so powerful that even the effort being put in goes down.

You have hope and you might be a fighter or fool. On the other hand if you don’t have it, you might be practical or pessimist. As one of my buddies said “All these are just sweeping statements”. Hope in short for me is the greatest strength and biggest weakness of humans.

1 comment:

Abhi said...

Aptly said buddy "The Greatest strength and Biggest Weekness". Recently I read in a status message of a friend of mine at facebook quoting "Hopelessly Hopeful". A nice oxymoron infact.